Skill Set:
C++, Python, Computer Vision, Dato Structures, Deep Learning, Algorithms.
• Foundation knowledge and understanding of Deep Learning and Computer Vision.
• Read and implement research papers, Good in Dala Structures and Algonthms Intermediate proficiency in C++ Python and dir
• Worked on popular Deep Learning frameworks
Familiarity with Nvidia Jetson platform & plus. • Knowledge of Nvidia SDKs liko Nvidia necpstream TensoiRT is a plus
You will
He full mobvated and un individual contributor with a knack of not giving up
Contributing with the development team and product imagers to proactively undesrand testinical requirements specifications and use cases.
Be part of agile terms workitig in an agile enviromul,suring compliance with development methodology and technical processes
To sum it up you will understand business, formulate proble extract relevant information, develop modea, pilot url A/B
test results.